Welcome to the Kkake Party

Scripto Kkake

Storytellers of the world unite! what twists and turns will the tale take next? With scriptokkake, you decide!

Play Kkake

Waste some time at the playkkake arcade. What, you've got something better to do? I didn't think so.

Media ANALysis Kkake

More information than you care to hear about absolutely nothing you care about. Need some media analyzed? This is your place.

Code Kkake

It's still functional, but it's a mess. Raw and uncommented. It's not just messy, it's codekkake.

Trivia Kkake Party

Pursue the triviality with triviakkake. Come on by and take a look, you might just learn something.

Bu Kkake Party

Fresh squeezed bukkake delivered in bulk.